E-mail : info@euterperolls.com

Euterpe Rolls


The specialist for your Pianola rolls

About Euterperolls ™

Our standard is Alive!

We have thoroughly studied all the parts that make up a player piano roll and we have tried to improve it on all fronts.


The paper we have chosen has proved to be the strongest paper for player rolls, it is 'fibrous' and because it has been calendered several times it is very smooth and extremely strong. This paper is also very stable at temperature and humidity changes. We have spared no expenses on that.

The color of the paper and the box

However, we try to do better where we can and that is therefore different in any case. Because we are proud of our rolls, they can be seen and recognized as 'Euterpe rolls'.

The eye

With the original rolls, the eye is a ring that has been punched through the paper for reinforcement. However, most other reels have a D-ring at the beginning, and what we have noticed is that they last longer, they also come off the spool more easily when rewinding, so there is less 'stress' on the paper. So we opted for that.

The flanges (ears)

We have deliberately chosen nylon 'ears'. These last longer (they don't tear when dry, for example), they don't 'work' and are therefore more precise than wood, and we have more freedom to improve the shape. In the left ear is a set screw that is accessible from outside, making it easy to adjust the roll to the setting of your own instrument. This is extremely important for the proper functioning of your instrument. The bottom line is that if you can't adjust rolls, like the original rolls, they rarely play optimally. Also, plastic ears are much cheaper than e.g. metal or wooden ears.

The label

Welte itself uses many different labels, we have made a composition of the labels that we believe are the best with as much information as possible. The labels state e.g. the recording date and place (if known).

The holes

It has been found important to us that when making a copy, exactly the pattern of the original roll is followed! After many tests, we have deep respect of what was accomplished more than a hundred years ago. We had to adjust our scanning machine and scanning method many times in order to finally be able to make an exact copy. With the existing copies it was a task to make the resulting new roll sound like the original again. So alive! And that is our standard; LIVING! So there was nothing to improve on the holes, but we can try to learn from the mistakes that others made in the past. These are also the reasons why we start with a modest list of rolls. All rolls we produce have been tested, critically listened to and approved by us. We strive to add new titles every week.

The scans

In view of the above, you can understand that we work with our own scans! We have a reasonable library for this, but through various contacts we have the opportunity to expand this library enormously.

Rolls are read with light

Minimal chance of reading errors

With a precision of 40 steps per mm, the holes of the roll are digitally recorded by computer

The ears

Durable ears with set screw

On one ear there is a set screw that allows you to set the roll on your Welte at it's ideal position.

The ears are made of Nylon and are therefore durable and not sensitive to moisture and temperature.

The eye

Simple and strong

The eye is enclosed in a strip of linen and glued with bookbinder's glue. Strong and durable!

Roll printer with paper

With Laser Precision

Paper is of optimum quality and the holes are cut accurately by laser

The process of creating Rolls

Tiroler Holzhackerbuab'n

Euterpe reproduction of Welte-Mignon Red 2463. This roll is scanned with our own developed scanner for Welte-Mignon T-100.

After scanning, there is an electronic check whether some of the holes are large enough. This makes it possible to determine the quality of the scan immediately.

The scan file is then played by an emulator on Pianoteq from Moddart and we can determine quite accurately whether the roll is as it should be.

After that, the file is converted to a G -Code file to be lasered out. After lasering, the beginning is covered with fabric and the shape of the beginning is also lasered out.

Then the eye and the ears.



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Postadres :
Flevodwarsweg 9c

© 2023 Euterpe Rolls™ - Marc van Bekkum Design